Sandspur Spare-O Sea Treasure “Jack”

Jack is our trusty housedog. Low-keyed and laid back, he is like an overgrown teddy bear who loves walks in the woods, riding in the car, and cuddling. A little obstinate, he does only what he wants and on his terms, but a little coaxing with a treat is sure to change his mind quickly though.
While on our many long walks in a nearby rural wooded area, he likes to run ahead try to anticipate which path we might take. On warm summer walks, it’s such a treat to finally reach the creek at the base of the rolling hill. He takes a quick swim up and back and then rolls around to “dry off” in the loose dirt at the bank of the creek. Needless to say, our walks in the woods always end with grooming time!
My Boy Jack is an old soul who I like to call “needy”. Some may prefer the word spoiled. He would make a wonderful therapy dog because he’s provided just that for me many times.
Because his coat is thick and full of body, a few years ago I began saving hair from his brush while grooming. One of these days, I plan to take this stockpile of fur and spin into yarn and knit something so that Jack can remain with me always.

I just love communicating with her. Whether the head-tilt, the slap with her paw, or the “I’m going to stare at you and send thoughts telepathically”, she makes her thoughts known. And often!
Golden Retrievers ~ Golden Puppies ~ Atlanta, Georgia